Code | Title | First | Last | Times Played | Also Known As |
??? | ??? | 06/06/87 | 04/23/93 | 3 | |
1FAVOR | One Kind Favor | 07/18/97 | 03/21/25 | 55 | |
1STEVE | One Arm Steve | 04/18/98 | 06/21/24 | 309 | |
2NDSKN | Second Skin | 03/24/05 | 03/22/25 | 166 | |
2NNGHT | Tonight's the Night | 05/14/03 | 04/26/05 | 9 | |
3CANDL | Three Candles | 04/01/08 | 02/19/16 | 33 | |
4CNRRM | Four Cornered Room | 02/07/96 | 02/16/25 | 48 | |
4YRCH | Four Years of Chances | 08/24/18 | 08/24/18 | 1 | |
A2WJAM | ARU/WSP Jam | 02/08/92 | 08/09/92 | 7 | |
ACTMAN | Action Man | 04/01/00 | 06/23/24 | 276 | |
ACTNRP | Action Man reprise | 10/30/10 | 10/30/10 | 1 | |
ADIRON | Adirondacks | 12/31/01 | 12/31/01 | 1 | |
ADSTB | Angels Don't Sing The Blues | 07/04/15 | 09/17/17 | 21 | |
AFRIED | Already Fried | 04/01/08 | 12/31/09 | 12 | |
AGAIN | Do It Again | 09/22/90 | 09/22/90 | 1 | |
AHRAGF | A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall | 12/31/15 | 03/22/24 | 20 | |
AIKO | Iko Iko | 02/24/85 | 01/26/89 | 21 | Aiko Aiko, Aiko, Iko |
AINTSU | I Ain't Superstitious | 06/12/05 | 06/12/05 | 1 | |
ALHFMF | A Little Help From My Friends | 12/31/14 | 12/31/16 | 2 | |
ALLHAM | Allhambra | 12/08/86 | 12/08/86 | 1 | |
ALONE | I'm Not Alone | 06/01/87 | 02/14/25 | 517 | |
ALRIGH | Feelin' Alright | 02/24/85 | 04/15/11 | 95 | |
ALRNOW | All Right Now | 10/29/17 | 10/29/17 | 1 | |
AMANDG | Another Man Done Gone | 05/13/87 | 05/27/89 | 19 | |
AMSTND | American Standard | 09/19/90 | 09/19/90 | 1 | |
ANALYZ | Analyze | 07/09/94 | 07/27/94 | 2 | |
ANGELS | Angels on High | 03/27/07 | 08/04/19 | 81 | |
AOFD | A of D | 02/01/89 | 03/03/23 | 275 | Eat The Beet, Morning Daydream |
AONOW | It's All Over Now | 06/23/99 | 07/04/14 | 7 | |
APLANE | Airplane | 03/02/94 | 03/22/25 | 355 | |
AQUALU | Aqualung | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
ARLEEN | Arleen | 07/15/87 | 04/25/24 | 233 | Arlene |
ASTDOM | Astronomy Domine Jam | 09/04/87 | 06/19/14 | 59 | |
ASTIME | As Time Goes By | 12/31/08 | 12/31/08 | 1 | |
ATLOW | All Time Low | 04/18/98 | 02/16/25 | 360 | |
AUNTAV | Aunt Avis | 09/09/95 | 03/22/24 | 266 | |
AWIDIE | And When I Die | 12/31/02 | 12/31/02 | 1 | |
AYRFTC | Are You Ready For The Country? | 04/30/03 | 05/27/23 | 30 | |
BACUSA | Back In The U.S.A. | 11/09/08 | 11/09/08 | 1 | |
BADSGN | Born Under A Bad Sign | 10/31/05 | 07/06/11 | 3 | |
BALLCO | Ball of Confusion | 07/22/89 | 10/31/01 | 3 | |
BARSTL | Barstools and Dreamers | ??/??/87 | 03/22/25 | 722 | |
BASTAR | Bastards In Bubbles | 12/31/18 | 10/02/21 | 4 | |
BAYOUL | Bayou Lena | 10/26/01 | 08/26/22 | 54 | |
BBAYOU | Born On The Bayou | 10/31/08 | 09/07/13 | 2 | |
BCHFJM | Big Chief Jam | 07/23/99 | 07/23/08 | 2 | |
BCHIEF | Big Chief | 05/01/08 | 05/01/08 | 1 | |
BDMOON | Bad Moon Rising | 09/07/13 | 09/07/13 | 1 | |
BDTH | Burning Down The House | 12/31/13 | 12/31/16 | 2 | |
BEAR | Bear's Gone Fishin' | 07/01/97 | 06/21/24 | 244 | Untitled Instrumental 2 |
BEARLY | I Told Her I'd Be Early | 06/11/87 | 06/05/90 | 5 | I Told Her I'd Be Ready |
BEGIRL | Brown Eyed Girl | 02/24/85 | 06/01/87 | 2 | |
BENEFA | Benefactor | 07/06/91 | 08/31/92 | 4 | |
BEPEAS | Black-Eyed Peas Jam | 10/31/89 | 10/31/89 | 1 | |
BERTHA | Bertha | 06/01/87 | 06/01/87 | 1 | |
BETOFF | Better Off | 02/07/92 | 06/22/24 | 338 | |
BIGLGN | The Big Lagoon | 10/03/91 | 10/03/91 | 1 | Feeling Lucky |
BINDIN | Blue Indian | 10/06/98 | 02/15/25 | 306 | |
BIRDOW | Bird On A Wire | 08/13/22 | 01/19/24 | 4 | |
BLACK | Blackout Blues | 11/17/93 | 02/16/25 | 553 | |
BLDG | Workin' On A Building | 11/21/91 | 11/21/91 | 1 | |
BLIGHT | Blight | 10/27/95 | 02/15/25 | 274 | |
BLIND | Blind | 12/31/02 | 12/31/02 | 1 | |
BLKHOL | Entering A Black Hole Backwards | 02/27/92 | 09/15/23 | 59 | |
BLKSAB | Black Sabbath | 10/31/87 | 10/28/16 | 3 | |
BLMFYD | Baby, Let Me Follow You Down | 10/05/05 | 10/28/11 | 10 | |
BLMHYH | Baby, Let Me Hold Your Hand | 01/25/96 | 05/14/03 | 6 | |
BLUCAR | Blue Carousel | 09/16/23 | 02/16/25 | 8 | |
BOFD | B of D | 02/14/89 | 06/22/24 | 265 | Giving |
BOGCHL | Boogie Chillen | 06/22/01 | 06/22/01 | 1 | |
BOOMX3 | Boom Boom Boom | 04/01/08 | 05/03/08 | 4 | |
BOTRUN | Band On The Run | 10/29/00 | 10/29/00 | 1 | |
BOWLW | Bowlegged Woman | 02/02/87 | 02/14/25 | 240 | Bowlegged Woman Knock Kneed Man |
BOYBAR | Boys In The Barroom | 11/19/88 | 11/25/88 | 2 | |
BREATH | Breathing Slow | 04/07/86 | 04/14/24 | 89 | |
BRN2BW | Born To Be Wild | 04/25/86 | 04/25/86 | 1 | |
BRNGIT | Bring It On Home | 10/31/10 | 10/31/10 | 1 | |
BSBLUE | Broken String Blues | 10/24/85 | 10/24/85 | 1 | |
BSOLIF | Bright Side of Life | 10/31/07 | 10/31/07 | 1 | |
BSONG | Bird Song | 03/??/86 | 08/13/22 | 26 | |
BSUGAR | Brown Sugar | 10/31/08 | 10/31/08 | 1 | |
BSUNDY | Blue Sunday | 10/31/98 | 03/27/22 | 5 | |
BTBRAT | Beat On The Brat | 10/31/03 | 10/30/16 | 2 | |
BURNMN | Burnout Man | 02/24/85 | 02/24/85 | 1 | |
BUSTED | Busted | 04/20/05 | 04/20/05 | 1 | |
BUSTIT | Bust It Big | 09/26/03 | 02/15/25 | 236 | |
BWMAMM | Big Wooly Mammoth | 10/10/95 | 02/15/25 | 272 | |
CAGWYW | You Can't Always Get What You Want | 02/12/12 | 05/25/24 | 19 | |
CANTHP | Can't Help Falling In Love | 02/24/94 | 02/24/94 | 1 | |
CAPRIC | Jesus Was A Capricorn | 08/25/19 | 08/25/19 | 1 | |
CARDBX | Cardboard Box | 04/14/86 | 10/06/90 | 6 | |
CARMEL | Carmelita | 01/29/12 | 07/06/14 | 8 | |
CASA | Casa Del Grillo | 07/16/00 | 01/17/23 | 89 | |
CBROWN | C. Brown | 02/13/86 | 03/21/25 | 811 | |
CCAT | China Cat Sunflower | 04/17/86 | 02/01/89 | 50 | |
CCOKID | Cisco Kid | 09/22/90 | 09/22/90 | 1 | |
CCTP | Can't Change The Past | 08/10/06 | 08/10/06 | 1 | |
CEASEF | Cease Fire | 03/20/15 | 05/24/24 | 70 | |
CFMWH | Can't Find My Way Home | 08/08/88 | 04/15/24 | 184 | |
CGENOU | Can't Get Enough | 11/02/13 | 11/02/13 | 1 | |
CGHIGH | Can't Get High | 07/09/93 | 03/21/25 | 371 | |
CGTFH | Cant Get There From Here | 10/30/06 | 10/30/06 | 1 | |
CHAIN | The Chain | 07/21/86 | 08/11/86 | 2 | |
CHAINS | Chainsaw City | 08/25/90 | 02/15/25 | 165 | |
CHGLNG | The Changeling | 10/28/16 | 10/28/16 | 1 | |
CHILLY | Chilly Water | 06/22/85 | 02/16/25 | 1153 | |
CHKNST | Chicken Strut | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
CHOOGL | Keep On Chooglin' | 09/07/13 | 09/07/13 | 1 | |
CHSTFV | Chest Fever | 09/14/06 | 06/29/14 | 23 | |
CISSYS | Cissy Strut | 08/08/03 | 03/25/10 | 2 | |
CLIMB | Climb To Safety | 01/20/96 | 03/22/25 | 413 | |
CLOWNS | When The Clowns Come Home | 03/25/05 | 04/10/07 | 32 | |
CLPHND | Clap Hands | 07/10/13 | 07/10/13 | 1 | |
CMASUR | Come As You Are | 10/31/09 | 10/31/09 | 1 | |
COACH | Coach | 04/22/08 | 07/02/14 | 13 | |
COCAIN | Cocaine | 10/31/13 | 08/03/19 | 2 | |
COCOAL | Chunk Of Coal | 07/26/95 | 05/29/22 | 112 | |
COCONU | Coconut | 02/24/85 | 06/23/24 | 320 | Coconut Image |
CODREA | City of Dreams | 03/04/92 | 03/24/24 | 164 | |
COMEON | Come On | 12/31/13 | 12/31/13 | 1 | |
COMETO | Come Together | 06/11/05 | 04/15/23 | 11 | |
COMHOM | When You Coming Home | 07/31/10 | 04/18/23 | 10 | |
CONRAD | Conrad | 05/26/86 | 05/25/24 | 731 | |
CONTEN | Contentment Blues | ??/??/87 | 04/16/24 | 267 | |
CORTEZ | Cortez the Killer | 10/31/01 | 08/04/19 | 7 | |
COSCON | Cosmic Confidante | 05/24/24 | 06/22/24 | 2 | |
COTGRV | Children of the Grave | 10/31/07 | 10/31/21 | 3 | |
COTTON | Cotton Was King | 05/05/10 | 03/21/25 | 119 | |
CRACK | Crack And Whistle | 02/13/96 | 02/13/96 | 1 | |
CRADLE | From The Cradle | 04/22/06 | 03/04/23 | 124 | |
CRAZY | Crazy | 03/29/05 | 12/31/16 | 48 | |
CREAMP | Cream Puff War | 04/17/86 | 08/27/23 | 222 | |
CRIMAP | Crime And Punishment | 10/17/01 | 10/17/01 | 1 | |
CRIPPL | Crippled Inside | 06/17/07 | 07/08/11 | 9 | |
CROSSC | Cross Cut Saw | 12/03/94 | 06/27/00 | 2 | |
CRUEL | This Cruel Thing | 09/25/10 | 12/31/19 | 6 | |
CRYPTE | Cryptical Envelopment | 06/22/85 | 03/11/89 | 32 | |
CTCARS | Counting Train Cars | 04/15/03 | 03/13/14 | 36 | |
CTERRA | Cleburne Terrace | 11/19/88 | 11/04/94 | 6 | |
CTRAIN | Crazy Train | 10/28/23 | 12/30/23 | 2 | |
CYNIC | Clinic Cynic | 10/27/01 | 09/14/14 | 58 | |
DADDAG | Daddy's Drinkin' Again | 07/29/03 | 07/29/03 | 1 | |
DAISYM | Daisy Mae | 11/01/02 | 10/21/05 | 22 | |
DANGME | Dang Me | 02/11/12 | 02/11/12 | 1 | |
DBDEND | Don't Be Denied | 06/01/87 | 06/23/24 | 76 | |
DBUSIN | Dirty Business | ??/??/85 | 12/31/23 | 78 | |
DCKBAY | (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay | 12/29/05 | 03/29/14 | 4 | |
DDPROG | Dark Day Program | 04/01/08 | 03/12/22 | 18 | |
DDWATR | Don't Drink The Water | 05/28/23 | 05/28/23 | 1 | |
DEARPR | Dear Prudence | 03/13/22 | 02/16/25 | 8 | |
DEGENR | Degenerate | 10/31/11 | 02/15/25 | 17 | |
DESPER | Desperados Waiting For A Train | 08/25/19 | 08/25/19 | 1 | |
DEVDIS | Devil In Disguise | 10/31/13 | 03/29/14 | 6 | |
DEVIL | Me And The Devil Blues | 08/07/89 | 04/19/23 | 267 | Me And The Devil |
DFLOWR | Dead Flowers | 12/29/15 | 12/29/15 | 1 | |
DINER | Diner | 02/07/92 | 03/21/25 | 657 | |
DISCO | Disco | 08/04/88 | 03/21/25 | 561 | Storm Watch |
DOGSON | Dog Song | 07/07/90 | 05/24/92 | 37 | |
DOIT | Why Don't We Do It In The Road? | 10/19/85 | 10/18/14 | 3 | |
DOODOO | Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) | 06/12/11 | 06/12/11 | 1 | |
DOOLEY | Dooley | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
DORETH | Doreatha | 05/13/95 | 07/19/06 | 57 | |
DOTFRM | Down On The Farm | 11/14/87 | 10/27/19 | 50 | |
DOWN | Down | 04/16/00 | 02/15/25 | 140 | |
DRAGJM | Dragonaut Jam | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
DREAM | Dream Song | 03/13/92 | 05/25/24 | 204 | |
DREAMS | Dreams | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
DREAMW | Dream Warrior | 10/30/10 | 10/29/22 | 2 | |
DRIFTA | Drift Away | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
DRIVE | Drive | 10/17/01 | 11/17/01 | 2 | |
DRIVIN | Driving Song | 04/07/86 | 02/16/25 | 827 | |
DRKBAR | Dark Bar | 06/28/08 | 03/21/25 | 56 | |
DRKEND | Dark End of the Street | 10/31/05 | 06/20/14 | 5 | |
DRUMS | Drums | 10/19/85 | 03/21/25 | 1606 | |
DSDOWN | Dirty Side Down | 04/24/10 | 09/16/18 | 48 | |
DTTBND | Don't Tell The Band | 06/23/01 | 10/29/17 | 19 | |
DWLYOU | Don't Wanna Lose You | 04/11/03 | 03/22/25 | 94 | |
DWYL | Do What You Like | 03/16/87 | 10/25/19 | 78 | |
DYERMA | D'yer Maker | 10/31/14 | 02/23/16 | 4 | |
DYNMAN | Dyin' Man | 04/20/97 | 07/29/23 | 262 | |
EARACH | Earache My Eye | 10/31/14 | 10/31/14 | 1 | |
EARLY | Get Up Early In The Morning | 05/18/92 | 05/26/96 | 53 | Misery, Early, Tipitina's, Longhair Jam, May include 'Junko Partner' lyrics as well |
ELCFUN | Electric Funeral | 10/25/16 | 10/25/16 | 1 | |
EOFSHW | End Of The Show | 01/27/94 | 02/16/25 | 110 | |
EONAG | E on a G | 04/03/00 | 02/28/20 | 12 | |
EWIND | Easy Wind | ??/??/85 | 07/09/11 | 5 | |
EWSY | The Earth Will Swallow You | 04/06/90 | 07/18/06 | 27 | |
EXCBOY | Excitable Boy | 12/30/09 | 12/30/09 | 1 | |
EXPDAY | Expiration Day | 12/31/01 | 06/21/24 | 95 | |
FAIRIE | Fairies Wear Boots | 06/17/07 | 04/15/23 | 25 | |
FANTAS | Dear Mr. Fantasy | ??/??/85 | 03/24/24 | 187 | |
FFFJAM | Fab Fox 'Fess Jam | 12/30/96 | 12/30/96 | 1 | |
FFFLOO | Flat Foot Flewzy | 06/26/91 | 06/23/24 | 220 | |
FGPULL | Feeling Gravitys Pull | 10/31/21 | 10/31/21 | 1 | |
FIRE | Fire on the Mountain | ??/??/85 | 02/10/11 | 40 | |
FISH | Fishwater | 03/08/90 | 03/21/25 | 849 | |
FISHHL | The Fishin' Hole | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
FLICKR | Flicker | 04/03/07 | 10/22/22 | 87 | |
FLOOD | Walk On The Flood | 04/01/08 | 09/30/11 | 32 | |
FMREAL | Familiar Reality | 04/29/10 | 05/02/19 | 6 | |
FOLSOM | Folsom Prison Blues | 10/05/10 | 10/05/10 | 1 | |
FOOLED | Won't Get Fooled Again | 10/31/99 | 10/31/99 | 1 | |
FORSON | Fortunate Son | 09/07/13 | 09/07/13 | 1 | |
FOXLDY | Foxy Lady | 04/07/86 | 04/25/86 | 2 | |
FREEDM | Freedom | 08/23/90 | 08/23/90 | 1 | |
FREESH | Free Somehow | 04/01/08 | 01/24/12 | 9 | |
FRIGHT | Basically Frightened | 02/14/11 | 07/25/22 | 4 | |
FSHING | Fishing | 04/16/03 | 02/14/25 | 60 | |
FTDIE | Fixin' To Die | 06/25/90 | 12/31/22 | 112 | |
FTOWER | Franklin's Tower | 05/13/88 | 05/13/88 | 1 | |
FWIW | For What It's Worth | ??/??/85 | 03/21/25 | 36 | |
FWTMAN | First We Take Manhattan | 12/31/15 | 02/26/16 | 2 | |
GALEON | Galleon | 10/03/95 | 08/10/22 | 44 | |
GDPEOP | Goodpeople | 03/26/05 | 03/21/25 | 217 | |
GENESI | Genesis | 04/23/87 | 02/14/25 | 155 | |
GERALD | Geraldine And The Honeybee | 05/28/88 | 12/29/19 | 34 | Geraldine |
GETUP | Get Up (I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine) | 10/31/02 | 11/10/02 | 2 | |
GGMEAN | Gotta Get Mean | 10/29/91 | 10/29/91 | 1 | |
GHMONY | Gotta Have Money | 10/02/22 | 10/02/22 | 1 | |
GIMME | Gimme | 11/19/88 | 03/26/23 | 195 | Kiss on Tuesday, Micheal |
GIMSLV | Gimme Some Lovin' | 09/06/14 | 09/06/14 | 1 | |
GIVE | Give | 04/07/00 | 05/27/23 | 234 | |
GLAD | Glad | 06/22/02 | 09/06/14 | 2 | |
GLORY | Glory | 09/20/95 | 08/26/22 | 118 | |
GLOVE | Giving Love | 05/10/91 | 05/10/91 | 1 | |
GMLSG | Good Morning Little Schoolgirl | 10/05/87 | 10/22/23 | 87 | Schoolgirl |
GMMOJO | I Got My Mojo Workin' | 10/31/13 | 10/31/13 | 1 | |
GNGOUT | Get In Get Out | 07/05/02 | 12/31/03 | 12 | |
GOAFT | Georgia On A Fast Train | 12/31/05 | 04/22/06 | 2 | |
GOBRIX | Guns of Brixton | 09/12/15 | 09/12/15 | 1 | |
GODH2O | God Was In The Water | 07/12/02 | 11/15/02 | 7 | |
GODZIL | Godzilla | 10/31/97 | 10/28/18 | 3 | |
GOLDRD | The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion) | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
GOMM | Georgia On My Mind | 12/31/05 | 09/20/08 | 2 | |
GOWEST | Goin' Out West | 01/20/96 | 03/21/25 | 233 | |
GRADLE | Gradle | 03/22/95 | 03/04/23 | 161 | |
GRAND | Ain't Life Grand | 07/26/93 | 02/14/25 | 649 | |
GRANDM | Grandma's Hands | 08/07/03 | 08/07/03 | 1 | |
GRETA | Greta | 03/30/96 | 02/14/25 | 436 | |
GRNONI | Green Onions | 07/12/95 | 11/02/14 | 11 | |
GTNOBU | I Ain't Got No Business Doin' Business Today | 09/14/88 | 09/14/88 | 1 | |
GUILDE | I Walk On Guilded Splinters | 09/09/88 | 06/23/24 | 209 | Guilded Splinters, Walk On Guilded Splinters |
HABALL | Havin' A Ball | 07/16/94 | 07/23/94 | 2 | |
HACIGR | Have A Cigar | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
HALLEL | Hallelujah | 12/31/15 | 10/30/16 | 6 | |
HAPPY | Happy | 09/24/95 | 04/15/24 | 159 | |
HAPPYP | Happy (PW) | 12/31/14 | 12/31/14 | 1 | |
HAPPYR | Happy (RS) | 12/31/14 | 12/31/14 | 1 | |
HARDON | Good Morning Mr. Hard On | 12/31/19 | 12/31/19 | 1 | |
HARDTC | The Harder They Come | 07/27/01 | 09/12/15 | 4 | |
HATFIE | Hatfield | 02/08/92 | 02/14/25 | 645 | |
HCHILD | Happy Child | 03/11/89 | 09/17/22 | 92 | Tuesday's Lullabye |
HCMDDB | How Come My Dog Don't Bark (When You Come Around) | 05/03/14 | 05/03/14 | 1 | |
HCTJDG | Here Comes The Judge | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
HDNNB | Her Dance Needs No Body | 04/01/08 | 12/31/16 | 40 | |
HEATHE | Heathen | ??/??/85 | 04/23/08 | 20 | |
HEAVEN | Heaven | ??/??/87 | 04/16/24 | 330 | |
HELPME | Help Me Somebody | 04/27/95 | 02/27/20 | 94 | |
HERCUL | Hercules | 05/02/15 | 05/02/15 | 1 | |
HERODB | Heroes (DB) | 12/31/15 | 02/15/25 | 5 | |
HEROES | Heroes | 08/04/93 | 04/15/23 | 311 | |
HGBLND | Hearts Gone Blind | 10/03/91 | 10/04/91 | 2 | |
HITITQ | Hit It And Quit It | 10/31/14 | 10/31/14 | 1 | |
HLPME | Help Me | 10/31/13 | 11/14/13 | 2 | |
HOGOLD | Heart of Gold | 10/31/14 | 10/28/23 | 7 | |
HOLDEN | Holden Oversoul | 03/22/88 | 02/15/25 | 810 | Older Souls |
HOMRNG | Home on the Range | 10/29/17 | 10/29/17 | 1 | |
HONBEE | Honey Bee | 10/28/17 | 05/25/24 | 21 | |
HONKYR | Honky Red | 04/05/14 | 03/22/25 | 84 | |
HOTINH | Hot In Herre | 10/31/02 | 10/31/02 | 1 | |
HPYXMS | Happy Xmas (War Is Over) | 12/31/12 | 12/31/12 | 1 | |
HTWW | High Time We Went | 11/01/14 | 08/03/19 | 9 | |
HURRIC | Like A Hurricane | 09/25/10 | 09/25/10 | 1 | |
HWAY2H | Highway To Heaven | 01/22/96 | 01/22/96 | 1 | |
HWEENF | Halloween Face | 10/31/21 | 02/15/25 | 26 | |
HWORLD | Hope In A Hopeless World | 02/06/96 | 12/31/23 | 171 | |
I WISH | I Wish | 12/31/02 | 12/31/09 | 3 | |
IBWORK | I've Been Working | 07/11/98 | 06/20/14 | 3 | |
ICSCN | I Can See Clearly Now | 09/12/15 | 02/26/16 | 3 | |
ICSLU | I Can't Stop Loving You | 12/31/06 | 12/31/06 | 1 | |
IFTLAW | I Fought The Law | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
IGTSOB | I Got The Same Old Blues | 03/25/23 | 04/21/23 | 2 | |
ILILT | I Like It Like That | 11/03/91 | 11/03/91 | 1 | |
ILTTAM | I Like The Things About Me | 07/23/03 | 06/28/06 | 17 | |
IMAMAN | I'm A Man | 09/06/14 | 09/06/14 | 1 | |
IMITLS | Imitation Leather Shoes | 04/02/00 | 12/29/23 | 299 | |
IMPOSS | Impossible | 08/04/88 | 04/15/24 | 454 | |
INDIAN | Indian Song | 12/29/96 | 12/29/96 | 1 | |
INTIME | Somewhere In Time | 02/19/12 | 02/29/20 | 4 | |
INTOVR | Interstellar Overdrive | 05/02/03 | 07/11/06 | 6 | |
IPASOY | I Put A Spell On You | 10/31/05 | 06/25/14 | 2 | |
IRNMAN | Iron Man | 10/31/11 | 10/28/23 | 3 | |
ISIWM | I Swear It Wasn't Me | 01/25/15 | 01/25/15 | 1 | |
ISWID | I'll Sleep When I'm Dead | 12/31/23 | 12/31/23 | 1 | |
ITRSTU | I Trusted You | 10/31/19 | 11/02/19 | 2 | |
ITWASU | It Was You | 07/09/97 | 04/28/98 | 7 | |
IWANTC | I Want Candy | 10/31/13 | 10/31/13 | 1 | |
IWANTU | I Want You (She's So Heavy) | 10/30/06 | 12/30/06 | 2 | |
IWISH | I Wish You Would | 06/01/87 | 11/13/99 | 4 | I Believe My Baby's Gone, My Baby's Gone, Baby Come Back |
JACK | Jack | 08/04/88 | 04/17/24 | 509 | |
JADED | Jaded Tourist | 06/27/10 | 02/11/23 | 39 | |
JAEASY | Just Ain't Easy | 01/10/14 | 01/10/14 | 1 | |
JAM | Jam | 10/24/85 | 06/21/24 | 677 | |
JAMAIS | Jamais Vu | 03/14/15 | 05/24/24 | 39 | |
JAPPLE | Johnny Appleseed | 10/31/07 | 10/31/07 | 1 | |
JESSIC | Jessica | 12/29/15 | 10/01/22 | 2 | |
JESUS | Jesus Just Left Chicago | 11/28/09 | 05/28/23 | 30 | |
JFLASH | Jumpin' Jack Flash | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
JHNYOK | The Ballad of John and Yoko | 01/25/12 | 10/24/21 | 19 | |
JKMB | Just Kissed My Baby | 01/08/91 | 05/01/16 | 164 | |
JOEGAR | Joe's Garage | 10/31/01 | 10/31/01 | 1 | |
JOHNOJ | John's Other Jam | 10/30/06 | 10/30/06 | 1 | |
JTPAST | Journey Through The Past | 12/31/13 | 10/31/15 | 4 | |
JUNIOR | Junior | 04/09/93 | 02/14/25 | 452 | Stay All Night, All Night Long |
JUNK | That Don't Make It Junk | 04/16/11 | 02/18/12 | 4 | |
JUNKO | Junco Partner | 07/21/92 | 05/08/06 | 17 | |
KATZOO | Knocking 'Round The Zoo | 04/07/86 | 04/15/24 | 159 | |
KEY2HI | Key to the Highway | 06/01/87 | 09/08/87 | 2 | |
KMIYH | Keep Me in Your Heart | 06/25/23 | 02/14/25 | 5 | |
KNGBBY | King Baby | 06/25/23 | 03/22/25 | 14 | |
KOHDOR | Knockin' On Heaven's Door | 06/22/85 | 11/17/90 | 21 | |
L2MOON | Elevator To The Moon | 04/04/91 | 07/29/23 | 2 | |
LA | L.a. | 07/15/87 | 07/13/19 | 186 | Eliza's Apartment, Liza's Apartment |
LADYWS | Lady Wisdom Sleeps | 08/20/90 | 05/18/91 | 3 | |
LAKEOF | Lake Of Fire | 10/31/09 | 04/21/18 | 3 | |
LATSTP | Louisiana Truck Stop | 11/02/02 | 11/02/02 | 1 | |
LAWOMN | L.A. Woman | 10/31/97 | 10/29/16 | 2 | |
LCWOMN | Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress | 10/29/00 | 12/31/18 | 2 | |
LDANCE | Last Dance | 06/22/85 | 09/15/23 | 102 | |
LDATE | Last Date | 04/07/05 | 04/07/05 | 1 | |
LDDDB | Low Down Dirty Dog Blues | 12/29/15 | 12/29/15 | 1 | |
LEANOM | Lean On Me | 12/31/14 | 06/28/15 | 2 | |
LEGBA | Papa Legba | 12/31/87 | 04/18/23 | 372 | |
LETSRL | Let's Roll | 02/12/12 | 02/12/12 | 1 | |
LGAMON | Lawyers, Guns, And Money | 03/21/87 | 06/23/24 | 73 | |
LGDTB | Let's Get Down To Business | 10/31/94 | 05/24/24 | 200 | |
LGTSOR | Let's Get The Show On The Road | 02/24/85 | 03/05/23 | 136 | |
LIBLED | Let It Bleed | 10/12/03 | 07/14/06 | 11 | |
LIFEDW | Life During Wartime | 10/31/03 | 03/21/25 | 85 | |
LIFETR | Life As A Tree | 08/25/19 | 06/23/24 | 3 | |
LIFMRS | Life on Mars? | 10/31/21 | 10/31/21 | 1 | |
LILLYJ | Little Lilly Jam | 11/10/98 | 11/10/98 | 1 | |
LILLYR | Little Lilly reprise | 11/09/99 | 11/09/99 | 1 | |
LILWTR | Light Is Like Water | 06/27/01 | 06/20/14 | 16 | |
LIMBO | Sitting In Limbo | 09/12/15 | 12/29/15 | 2 | |
LIROCK | Let It Rock | 06/16/86 | 04/15/24 | 166 | |
LITHIU | Lithium | 10/30/16 | 10/30/16 | 1 | |
LKWOMN | Just Like A Woman | 09/01/09 | 10/10/09 | 2 | |
LLILLY | Little Lilly | 11/17/98 | 02/16/25 | 239 | Blue Girl, First Snow |
LLOOK | Longer Look | 04/14/05 | 04/14/05 | 1 | |
LLROCK | Long Live Rock | 10/31/97 | 10/31/97 | 1 | |
LMFIRE | Light My Fire | 11/02/00 | 11/02/00 | 1 | |
LMLIVE | Long May You Live | 04/05/86 | 11/08/01 | 8 | |
LNLYAV | Lonely Avenue | 08/19/01 | 08/19/01 | 1 | |
LOLA | Lola | 10/31/10 | 10/31/10 | 1 | |
LOSINU | I'm Losing You | 10/31/11 | 10/31/11 | 1 | |
LOVELT | Turn On Your Love Light | 10/24/85 | 12/31/19 | 23 | Turn On Your Lovelight |
LOWRID | Low Rider | 03/??/86 | 11/04/09 | 155 | |
LSOHHB | Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys | 02/13/86 | 04/15/24 | 227 | |
LSTACT | My Last Act | 12/31/01 | 12/31/01 | 1 | |
LSTRAW | The Last Straw | 12/31/87 | 01/19/24 | 297 | |
LTBYLT | Little By Little | 07/29/23 | 03/21/25 | 14 | |
LTKIN | Little Kin | 04/24/93 | 02/16/25 | 440 | |
LTOYW | Love The One You're With | 06/22/85 | 12/31/22 | 11 | |
LTRAIN | Long Train Runnin' | 04/21/88 | 04/21/88 | 1 | |
LTWING | Little Wing | 06/22/85 | 06/24/23 | 70 | |
LULNYC | Lullaby for NYC | 11/20/93 | 11/20/93 | 1 | |
LV4SAL | Love For Sale | 10/31/01 | 10/31/01 | 1 | |
LVAHAP | Love And Happiness | 04/15/05 | 12/31/11 | 3 | |
LVDRUG | Love Is The Drug | 10/31/03 | 10/31/03 | 1 | |
LVNUSA | Livin' In The USA | 10/10/08 | 10/10/08 | 1 | |
LVNVAI | Love In Vain | 03/16/18 | 03/16/18 | 1 | |
MACGUN | Machine Gun | 11/02/14 | 02/16/25 | 9 | |
MACHIN | Machine | 10/06/86 | 03/22/25 | 541 | |
MACHRP | Machine reprise | 10/20/17 | 10/08/21 | 2 | |
MAGGOT | Maggot Brain | 10/31/92 | 03/21/25 | 106 | |
MAGICB | Magic Bus | 11/30/00 | 11/30/00 | 1 | |
MAMA | That's All Right Mama | 03/??/86 | 05/29/91 | 11 | It's Alright Mama |
MAMBOS | Mambo Sun | 06/26/22 | 06/26/22 | 1 | |
MAMKIN | Mama Kin | 10/31/08 | 10/31/08 | 1 | |
MASQUE | This Masquerade | 10/31/09 | 11/14/09 | 2 | |
MCRIDE | Magic Carpet Ride | 10/29/17 | 10/29/17 | 1 | |
MDEW | Morning Dew | 08/12/87 | 05/14/15 | 20 | |
MDNTSP | Midnight Special | 12/31/12 | 12/31/12 | 1 | |
MERCY | Mercy | 04/01/91 | 02/15/25 | 304 | |
MERCYT | Mercy Train To Bogart | 06/27/21 | 10/21/22 | 2 | |
MGNNO | Mardi Gras In New Orleans | 10/28/00 | 07/08/16 | 3 | |
MIDNIG | After Midnight | 12/31/87 | 12/29/90 | 10 | |
MILFAM | What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out Of Me) | 10/25/15 | 10/25/15 | 1 | |
MILKAC | Milk And Cookies | 08/24/19 | 08/24/19 | 1 | |
MINGLB | New Minglewood Blues | ??/??/86 | 12/12/86 | 10 | Minglewood Blues |
MMHOP | Misty Mountain Hop | 10/31/99 | 10/31/99 | 1 | |
MNMOON | Man On The Moon | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
MONKEY | Sleepy Monkey | ??/??/85 | 03/23/24 | 245 | Monkey Image |
MONSTR | Monstrosity | 04/29/03 | 07/12/06 | 40 | |
MOONDA | Moondance | 12/31/09 | 12/31/16 | 2 | |
MORCHA | Morally Challenged | 12/31/01 | 05/29/22 | 3 | |
MORNBL | Early In The Morning Blues | 06/27/00 | 06/27/00 | 1 | |
MRCROW | Mr. Crowley | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
MRSOUL | Mr. Soul | 05/13/87 | 06/21/24 | 387 | |
MSTOME | Makes Sense To Me | 04/01/91 | 06/22/24 | 671 | |
MTHIDE | Mountain Hideaway | 06/29/13 | 07/20/13 | 3 | |
MTMNTC | Mama Told Me Not To Come | 10/18/08 | 06/26/11 | 4 | |
MTNJAM | Mountain Jam | 04/23/87 | 07/25/22 | 10 | First There Was A Mountain |
MTTG | Midnight Train To Georgia | 12/31/05 | 12/31/05 | 1 | |
MUDH2O | Drinking Muddy Water | 10/31/13 | 02/18/22 | 12 | |
MUFFIN | Muffin Man | 09/19/10 | 09/19/10 | 1 | |
MWATER | Meeting of the Waters | 04/18/03 | 10/26/03 | 13 | |
MYGBF | May Your Glass Be Filled | 03/26/05 | 12/31/23 | 89 | |
MYGEN | My Generation | 12/31/23 | 12/31/23 | 1 | |
MYSHWY | Mystic Highway | 09/07/13 | 09/07/13 | 1 | |
NEBULO | Nebulous | 04/17/03 | 07/23/06 | 46 | |
NEWBLU | New Blue | 10/26/01 | 03/26/22 | 8 | |
NFA | Not Fade Away | 02/24/85 | 02/14/89 | 29 | |
NFBMIN | Nobody's Fault But Mine | 02/13/86 | 03/05/23 | 72 | |
NIGHT | Nights In White Satin | ??/??/85 | 02/11/11 | 11 | |
NO2RUN | Nowhere To Run | 10/31/05 | 10/31/05 | 1 | |
NOLOSS | Nobody's Loss | 01/19/96 | 04/16/24 | 148 | |
NONFRE | None of Us Are Free | 07/03/05 | 08/27/22 | 50 | |
NORTH | North | 09/25/99 | 04/14/24 | 285 | |
NOSUGT | No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature | 02/24/85 | 06/22/24 | 193 | New Mother Nature, No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature |
NOSUNS | Ain't No Sunshine | 12/31/14 | 06/24/18 | 2 | |
NOUSE | It Ain't No Use | 01/13/90 | 08/11/22 | 365 | |
NSBOOG | New Speedway Boogie | 01/12/87 | 08/02/19 | 51 | |
NTRWAY | Nature's Way | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
NTUSEE | Next Time You See Me | 06/01/87 | 06/01/87 | 1 | Lied And Cheated |
OBSPEC | Orange Blossom Special | 01/23/96 | 12/30/97 | 6 | |
OLDJOE | Old Joe | 04/03/00 | 04/14/24 | 106 | |
OLDNHD | Old Neighborhood | 10/28/01 | 06/22/24 | 166 | |
ONBROD | On Broadway | 11/01/03 | 11/01/03 | 1 | |
ONEBY1 | 1 x 1 | 03/23/95 | 05/27/23 | 147 | |
OPHELI | Ophelia | 07/15/87 | 08/26/23 | 147 | |
OTHAFA | Over The Hills And Far Away | 10/31/98 | 12/31/98 | 2 | |
OTHER1 | The Other One | 02/24/85 | 03/11/89 | 47 | That's It For The Other One; Quadlibet for Tenderfeet |
OTHR1J | The Other One Jam | 07/21/86 | 10/13/88 | 2 | That's It For The Other One; Quadlibet for Tenderfeet |
OUTTAM | Outta Mind (Outta Sight) | 10/31/11 | 10/31/11 | 1 | |
OVERTR | Over The Rainbow | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
OYWDWN | On Your Way Down | 11/28/09 | 10/23/22 | 7 | |
PAPAH | Papa's Home | 08/27/92 | 02/16/25 | 534 | |
PAPAJR | Papa Johnny Road | 04/15/03 | 05/27/23 | 123 | |
PARNOD | Paranoid | 10/31/87 | 10/30/16 | 2 | |
PARSON | Henry Parsons Died | 10/25/92 | 03/21/25 | 705 | |
PAYMH | Party At Your Mama's House | 05/07/97 | 02/15/25 | 223 | That Thang, Untitled Instrumental |
PETSEM | Pet Sematary | 10/31/03 | 10/31/03 | 1 | |
PFROG | Peace Frog | 10/31/98 | 03/27/22 | 5 | |
PHODRM | Phosphene Dream | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
PIECES | Pickin' Up The Pieces | 06/26/91 | 02/16/25 | 498 | |
PIGEON | Pigeons | 10/23/86 | 02/15/25 | 1097 | A Hog's Eternity |
PIGONR | Pigeons reprise | 03/25/89 | 03/25/89 | 1 | |
PILGRI | Pilgrims | 09/14/92 | 03/22/25 | 572 | Pilgrim Radio |
PJESUS | Plastic Jesus | 03/14/14 | 04/12/14 | 3 | |
PLEAS | Pleas | 01/22/88 | 02/14/25 | 576 | |
PLRSTR | People Are Strange | 10/30/06 | 10/30/06 | 1 | |
PLSDGO | Baby, Please Don't Go | 10/31/08 | 10/29/14 | 6 | |
POCK | Hey Pocky Way | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
POMHRT | Piece of My Heart | 08/24/18 | 05/25/24 | 2 | |
PORCH | Porch Song | 03/17/86 | 02/16/25 | 1166 | Moon Time, Panic's Theme |
POSTCA | Postcard | 10/06/86 | 06/23/24 | 253 | |
POSTCR | Postcard reprise | 06/27/99 | 06/27/99 | 1 | |
PRFDAY | Perfect Day | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
PRMARY | Proud Mary | 10/31/08 | 10/31/08 | 1 | |
PROTEI | Protein Drink | 12/31/01 | 04/14/24 | 143 | |
PROVIN | Proving Ground | 05/??/89 | 05/24/24 | 661 | Drug Deal, Big Sex |
PUPPY | Puppy Sleeps | 12/31/01 | 10/28/23 | 8 | |
PUSHER | Pusherman | 10/31/90 | 10/30/21 | 134 | |
QTOGAS | Quarter Tank Of Gasoline | 03/04/92 | 09/16/23 | 33 | |
RADIO | Radio Child | 03/26/95 | 06/22/24 | 417 | |
RAINYW | Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 | 04/20/02 | 11/10/02 | 2 | |
RATTOP | Room at the Top | 03/24/24 | 03/24/24 | 1 | |
RBCOOK | Red Beans | 04/27/92 | 02/20/22 | 114 | |
RD2DAM | Road To Damascus | 06/26/01 | 10/02/07 | 5 | |
RDRLOV | Radar Love | 10/31/96 | 10/30/06 | 2 | |
REAPER | (Don't Fear) The Reaper | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
REBIRT | Rebirtha | 01/23/93 | 03/22/25 | 425 | |
REFLEC | Reflections | 01/12/91 | 01/31/91 | 2 | |
RGHTPL | Right Place Wrong Time | 10/30/10 | 10/30/10 | 1 | |
RHBLUE | Roadhouse Blues | 01/25/22 | 12/29/23 | 2 | |
RHMAMA | Red Hot Mama | 10/31/98 | 02/14/25 | 202 | |
RIBAWY | Ribs And Whiskey | 11/24/90 | 02/14/25 | 241 | Seen Your Sister Naked |
RIDEME | Ride Me High | 11/04/96 | 02/15/25 | 304 | |
RIDER | I Know You Rider | 04/24/86 | 07/06/91 | 28 | |
RITFW | Rockin' In The Free World | 10/04/94 | 12/31/22 | 7 | |
ROCK | Rock | 10/04/89 | 03/21/25 | 731 | Brass Shoes Walking Blues |
ROCKST | Rock Steady | 08/24/18 | 08/24/18 | 1 | |
ROCKVL | (Don't Go Back To) Rockville | 12/30/09 | 12/30/09 | 1 | |
ROFIRE | Ring of Fire | 05/16/03 | 05/16/03 | 1 | |
ROOF | Raise The Roof | 01/27/94 | 06/22/01 | 45 | |
ROOSTR | Little Red Rooster | 06/12/05 | 06/12/05 | 1 | |
ROROSE | Ramble On Rose | 05/23/15 | 05/23/15 | 1 | |
ROTGUT | Rotgut | 10/31/95 | 10/31/95 | 1 | |
ROTS | Riders On The Storm | 10/31/96 | 10/24/21 | 12 | |
RSNSUN | House of the Rising Sun | 11/23/01 | 10/29/17 | 3 | |
RUMBLE | Rumble | 10/29/17 | 06/23/23 | 11 | |
RUNDRM | Running Down A Dream | 10/29/22 | 03/22/24 | 8 | |
RUNFYL | Run For Your Life | 04/16/05 | 09/01/05 | 9 | |
RVRCRS | Many Rivers To Cross | 01/28/12 | 12/31/22 | 13 | |
RYOURS | Respect Yourself | 12/31/99 | 12/31/99 | 1 | |
SAINTX | Saint Ex | 05/07/10 | 02/14/25 | 147 | |
SANDBX | Sandbox | 04/03/96 | 12/31/22 | 25 | |
SANDMN | Enter Sandman | 10/31/07 | 10/29/22 | 2 | |
SBEGON | Scarlet Begonias | 08/12/87 | 10/20/87 | 6 | |
SCAATY | Still Crazy After All These Years | 12/31/16 | 12/31/16 | 1 | |
SCHSJM | Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun Jam | 07/11/06 | 07/11/06 | 1 | |
SCKATY | She Caught The Katy | 03/16/87 | 07/10/15 | 194 | |
SCSHIP | Scholarship | 12/31/01 | 04/22/02 | 2 | |
SD4B | Street Dogs For Breakfast | 03/13/15 | 01/26/19 | 28 | |
SDBETY | Sundown Betty | 01/29/18 | 08/27/23 | 24 | |
SDEVIL | Sympathy for the Devil | 04/24/86 | 01/27/20 | 33 | |
SEDATE | I Wanna Be Sedated | 10/31/03 | 12/31/23 | 7 | |
SELL | Sell Sell | 02/19/12 | 09/18/22 | 76 | |
SENDYM | Send Your Mind | 04/02/91 | 01/19/24 | 340 | |
SEWMAC | Sewing Machine | 12/31/01 | 04/14/24 | 146 | |
SHAPE | The Shape I'm In | 09/17/95 | 10/23/21 | 32 | |
SHARON | Sharon | 06/16/86 | 04/16/24 | 79 | |
SHEWRI | She Walks Right In | 10/12/03 | 10/12/03 | 1 | |
SHIEK | Shiek | 03/24/96 | 11/18/00 | 4 | |
SHOES | Shoes On Tight | 03/24/07 | 03/30/07 | 2 | |
SHOLD | Stranglehold | 10/20/88 | 10/20/88 | 1 | |
SHOOTO | Shoot Out At The Fantasy Factory | 10/31/89 | 12/31/89 | 9 | Shoot Out |
SHTSRF | I Shot The Sheriff | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
SHUTUP | Shut Up And Drive | 05/08/10 | 04/14/24 | 107 | |
SIASL | Stranger in a Strange Land | 11/19/21 | 03/22/24 | 7 | |
SICKTR | Sick And Tired | 11/01/96 | 11/01/96 | 1 | |
SIDARK | Slippin' Into Darkness | 10/31/02 | 01/19/24 | 78 | |
SITARA | Song For Sitara | 03/30/05 | 07/18/06 | 14 | |
SITD | Spirit In The Dark | 10/31/05 | 10/31/05 | 1 | |
SITPJM | Space is the Place Jam | 04/18/92 | 04/18/92 | 1 | |
SKINIB | Skin It Back | 10/31/02 | 11/12/02 | 3 | |
SLDRCK | Solid Rock | 06/11/05 | 06/22/18 | 117 | |
SLEAF | Sweet Leaf | 10/31/89 | 08/10/22 | 17 | |
SLOUIS | St. Louis | 10/19/07 | 01/20/24 | 71 | |
SLPKID | Slip Kid | 10/31/07 | 10/31/07 | 1 | |
SMKFAC | Smoking Factory | 03/23/07 | 10/21/17 | 22 | |
SMOKAB | Smoke And Burn | 03/30/95 | 07/31/98 | 29 | Burned Faceless |
SMOKE | Smokestack Lightning | 04/05/86 | 02/16/25 | 69 | |
SMTOWN | Small Town | 06/23/24 | 06/23/24 | 1 | |
SNIGHT | Silent Night | 08/24/19 | 08/24/19 | 1 | |
SNKDRV | Snake Drive | 04/09/05 | 01/27/19 | 5 | |
SNORKL | Snorkle Search | 04/20/90 | 04/20/90 | 1 | |
SNOWBL | Snowblind | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
SOGLAD | I'm So Glad | 07/08/03 | 02/15/25 | 25 | |
SOLACE | Solace | 01/26/96 | 04/13/96 | 8 | |
SOMTMS | Sometimes | 08/23/99 | 02/16/25 | 118 | |
SOULKI | Soul Kitchen | 10/28/00 | 12/29/23 | 3 | |
SPACEP | Space is the Place | 05/29/22 | 05/29/22 | 1 | |
SPADES | Ace of Spades | 10/31/13 | 04/19/23 | 7 | |
SPOONF | Spoonful | 02/13/86 | 03/24/23 | 39 | |
SPRKFL | Sparks Fly | 05/10/03 | 10/29/03 | 5 | |
SPTRUK | Space Truckin' | 10/31/96 | 10/31/96 | 1 | |
SPWINE | Spill The Wine | 10/31/13 | 12/31/13 | 2 | |
SRROLL | Shake, Rattle, And Roll | 11/01/96 | 10/12/03 | 3 | |
ST2HEL | Straight To Hell | 10/25/15 | 11/19/21 | 2 | |
STARMN | Starman | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
STBREW | Strange Brew | 10/31/14 | 10/31/14 | 1 | |
STEVEN | Steven's Cat | 03/28/15 | 02/14/25 | 53 | |
STGRLE | Stag-O-Lee | 01/18/96 | 11/08/13 | 10 | |
STIMES | Strange Times | 10/31/10 | 10/15/11 | 4 | |
STIRUP | Stir It Up | 06/22/85 | 06/29/08 | 5 | |
STMTYG | Shouldn't Have Took More Than You Gave | 03/17/86 | 05/27/89 | 25 | |
STONED | And It Stoned Me | 02/16/87 | 01/22/22 | 168 | |
STOPBD | Stop Breakin' Down Blues | 10/27/00 | 02/15/25 | 198 | |
STOPGO | Stop-Go | 04/07/86 | 03/21/25 | 779 | Bookends |
SUCCES | Success Yourself | 01/27/94 | 06/27/21 | 7 | |
SUCHAN | Such A Night | 10/30/21 | 10/30/21 | 1 | |
SUGARE | Sugaree | 02/24/85 | 10/02/88 | 35 | |
SULTAN | Sultans of Swing | 02/14/11 | 09/28/13 | 3 | |
SUNKEP | Sun Keep | 07/05/90 | 10/15/90 | 8 | |
SUPERS | Superstition | 10/31/98 | 07/13/13 | 25 | |
SURPRS | Surprise Valley | 06/27/99 | 02/14/25 | 385 | |
SUSIEQ | Susie Q | 04/25/86 | 09/07/13 | 3 | |
SVOLNT | Strictly Volunteer Jam | 09/14/92 | 09/14/92 | 1 | |
SWAMP | Swamp | 10/31/98 | 01/29/18 | 22 | |
SWDRPC | Sweet Dreams (PC) | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
SWDRRB | Sweet Dreams (RB) | 10/29/22 | 10/29/22 | 1 | |
SWEET | Sweetness | 02/01/89 | 02/01/89 | 1 | |
TACOS | Tacos | 08/01/95 | 10/31/19 | 3 | Tacos Are Cheap But Pizza Is Expensive |
TAHITB | There's A Hole In The Bucket | 04/07/86 | 11/11/87 | 2 | |
TAKEOU | The Take Out | 08/22/87 | 02/16/25 | 363 | |
TALBOY | Tall Boy | 08/03/95 | 03/22/25 | 509 | Naked In The Mud |
TBHERO | Tackle Box Hero | 01/17/23 | 03/21/25 | 12 | |
TEARS | Tears of a Woman | 07/07/99 | 08/09/03 | 16 | |
TFLMBM | Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin | 08/05/89 | 04/24/15 | 33 | |
TFWRLD | This Friendly World | 10/31/19 | 03/03/23 | 3 | |
THINKI | Thinkin' | 02/24/85 | 02/24/85 | 1 | |
THNAIR | Thin Air (Smells Like Mississippi) | 04/12/03 | 05/27/23 | 105 | |
THSAUS | Thought Sausage | 04/18/00 | 06/21/24 | 234 | |
TIATIM | There Is A Time | 10/31/15 | 06/22/24 | 12 | |
TICKLE | Tickle the Truth | 04/04/07 | 12/30/23 | 91 | |
TIFREE | Time Is Free | 10/30/93 | 05/29/22 | 33 | |
TIFREJ | Time Is Free Jam | 10/26/93 | 08/02/98 | 4 | |
TIMEFA | Time Fades Away | 12/31/13 | 06/29/14 | 5 | |
TIMWRP | The Time Warp | 10/31/03 | 10/31/03 | 1 | |
TIMZON | Time Zones | 04/30/05 | 12/30/23 | 126 | |
TIOMS | Time Is On My Side | 12/31/12 | 12/31/12 | 1 | |
TIPITI | Tipitina | 06/21/08 | 03/20/14 | 2 | |
TIPTOE | Tiptoe Through The Tulips | 10/28/18 | 10/28/18 | 1 | |
TKAROL | Train Kept A Rollin' | 04/05/00 | 04/05/00 | 1 | |
TLDRAG | Tail Dragger | 10/31/11 | 02/16/25 | 89 | |
TLIGHT | Travelin' Light | 04/17/86 | 04/14/24 | 1040 | |
TMBTP | This Must Be The Place (Naïve Melody) | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
TNB4DL | Tennessee Before Daylight | 08/13/06 | 08/13/06 | 1 | |
TOBM | That Old Black Magic | 10/30/06 | 10/30/06 | 1 | |
TOMDTR | The Old Man Down the Road | 09/07/13 | 09/07/13 | 1 | |
TONGUE | Tongue (Shuffle In A) | 12/31/10 | 12/31/10 | 1 | |
TORART | Tortured Artist | 04/11/03 | 04/14/24 | 87 | |
TOURA | Toura Loura Loura | 03/17/18 | 03/17/18 | 1 | |
TPOPT | The Poorhouse Of Positive Thinking | 03/21/15 | 05/03/16 | 16 | |
TPTOWN | This Part Of Town | 11/27/99 | 10/28/23 | 173 | |
TRACTJ | Tractor Jam | 03/11/89 | 03/11/89 | 1 | |
TRACTO | Love Tractor | 06/16/89 | 03/22/25 | 989 | Phuck Truck |
TRASHY | Trashy | 06/27/21 | 02/15/25 | 27 | |
TRIMED | Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning | 02/16/87 | 04/18/09 | 9 | Trimmed and Burning |
TRONDO | Trondossa | 05/06/18 | 04/28/19 | 2 | |
TROUBL | Trouble | 03/11/89 | 07/28/23 | 81 | |
TRUNAT | True To My Nature | 07/07/10 | 10/29/14 | 41 | |
TRVMAN | Travelin' Man | 05/02/03 | 02/14/25 | 90 | |
TRVRST | Traveler's Rest | 08/10/06 | 08/10/06 | 1 | |
TSTIFY | Testify | 12/31/99 | 06/22/02 | 2 | |
TUSH | Tush | 10/10/21 | 10/10/21 | 1 | |
TVEYE | T.V. Eye | 04/21/15 | 04/21/15 | 1 | |
TW4NO1 | Time Waits For No One | 10/31/08 | 03/02/17 | 9 | |
TWAITJ | Time Waits Jam | 07/16/03 | 07/16/03 | 1 | |
TWAITS | Time Waits | 07/16/03 | 07/23/22 | 32 | |
TWIB | This Week In Baseball | 05/07/03 | 05/07/03 | 1 | |
TWLWMY | That's What Love Will Make You Do | 10/06/86 | 01/03/87 | 7 | |
TYSHOE | Tie Your Shoes | 03/17/86 | 06/21/24 | 333 | |
UBFINE | You'll Be Fine | 09/15/97 | 07/09/13 | 31 | |
UBTRRN | You Better Run | 07/30/00 | 07/01/08 | 10 | |
UGMOVE | You Gotta Move | 06/01/87 | 09/08/87 | 2 | |
UGOTY | You Got Yours | 09/16/95 | 02/16/25 | 264 | I Got My Way |
UNCLE | Me And My Uncle | 05/13/87 | 05/05/89 | 65 | |
UNIVER | Across the Universe | 02/19/12 | 02/19/12 | 1 | |
UPALLN | Up All Night | 10/26/07 | 03/22/25 | 146 | |
USEME | Use Me | 10/31/97 | 09/16/23 | 98 | |
UWRKME | You Wreck Me | 10/20/17 | 03/22/25 | 21 | |
VACATI | Vacation | 09/15/86 | 06/23/24 | 141 | |
VAMPIR | Vampire Blues | 10/31/05 | 07/28/23 | 44 | |
VICIOU | Vicious | 10/31/03 | 10/24/21 | 3 | |
VIPER | If You'se A Viper | 04/20/05 | 10/04/05 | 6 | Viper Jive, The Reefer Song |
VOLARE | Volare | 10/31/19 | 10/31/19 | 1 | |
VOODOO | Voodoo | 05/02/15 | 05/02/15 | 1 | |
VSTDAY | Visiting Day | 04/25/00 | 12/30/23 | 134 | |
W4NO1 | Wait for No One | 02/24/85 | 05/13/87 | 2 | |
W4WIND | Waiting For The Wind To Blow Down The Tree In My Backyard | 01/19/96 | 01/19/96 | 1 | Waiting For The Wind, Another One, Quit Touching Me |
WAIT4B | Waitin' For The Bus | 10/31/09 | 05/25/24 | 22 | |
WAKER | The Waker | 10/07/98 | 02/14/25 | 97 | |
WALKIN | Walkin' (For Your Love) | 09/29/89 | 03/22/25 | 868 | Plains Hopping, Walkin' |
WALKON | Walk On | 01/12/87 | 03/22/25 | 266 | |
WALKRP | Walkin' (For Your Love) reprise | 10/25/96 | 10/20/10 | 3 | |
WANGDD | Wang Dang Doodle | 09/08/87 | 06/12/05 | 3 | |
WANSTR | Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' | 12/31/09 | 12/31/09 | 1 | |
WBFINE | We'll Be Fine | 06/26/01 | 10/05/03 | 3 | |
WBRAIN | Weak Brain, Narrow Mind | 07/16/97 | 10/28/23 | 102 | |
WCHTWR | All Along The Watchtower | 07/22/01 | 03/31/19 | 14 | |
WCMARY | The Wind Cries Mary | 10/31/99 | 07/29/01 | 5 | |
WDULUV | Who Do You Love | 09/08/87 | 09/08/87 | 1 | |
WDYBT | Who Do You Belong To? | 07/01/93 | 04/14/24 | 258 | |
WEIGHT | Weight Of The World | 10/31/90 | 10/23/22 | 588 | |
WEL2MN | Welcome To My Nightmare | 10/31/07 | 10/31/07 | 1 | |
WEREWO | Werewolves of London | 10/19/85 | 10/30/21 | 55 | |
WESTVA | West Virginia | 01/26/93 | 10/27/00 | 86 | Mellow Jam |
WGGOTP | We Gotta Get Out Of This Place | 05/07/05 | 05/07/05 | 1 | |
WILDTG | Wild Thing | 10/24/85 | 06/26/11 | 3 | |
WIPEOU | Wipeout Jam | 02/24/85 | 02/24/85 | 1 | |
WISHBO | Wishbone | 11/04/88 | 08/23/19 | 27 | |
WISHYW | Wish You Were Here | 04/25/86 | 10/28/23 | 61 | |
WIZARD | The Wizard | 10/28/23 | 10/28/23 | 1 | |
WLDTGR | Wild Thing reprise | 06/26/11 | 06/26/11 | 1 | |
WLKMID | Walking After Midnight | 12/31/09 | 12/31/09 | 1 | |
WOMAN | Man Smart, Woman Smarter | ??/??/85 | 11/11/87 | 9 | Women Are Smarter |
WONDER | Wondering | 02/07/92 | 02/16/25 | 661 | |
WOODEN | Wooden Ships | 09/15/86 | 10/11/88 | 17 | |
WORRY | Worry | ??/??/85 | 04/16/24 | 438 | Worried, Worryin' About My Worries, Worries, Worryin' |
WPFERY | Westport Ferry (Not Berkeley CA) | 12/31/96 | 12/31/96 | 1 | |
WRANGL | Space Wrangler | 10/19/85 | 03/22/25 | 1209 | |
WRNING | Warning | 10/26/16 | 10/26/16 | 1 | |
WTROMB | Wet Trombone Blues | 01/27/94 | 06/27/21 | 5 | |
WTSMAN | Sleeping Man | 03/21/95 | 03/22/25 | 244 | |
WURM | Würm | 07/08/86 | 07/08/86 | 1 | |
WWEOH | We Walk Each Other Home | 07/30/23 | 03/22/25 | 14 | |
WWORDS | Wasted Words | 01/10/14 | 01/10/14 | 1 | |
WWORLD | What A Wonderful World | 12/31/99 | 12/31/99 | 1 | (What A) Wonderful World |
XKATIE | Christmas Katie | 04/18/98 | 04/25/24 | 202 | |
XROADS | Crossroads | 06/05/90 | 11/23/90 | 2 | Crossroad Blues |
YBGRLS | Yard of Blonde Girls | 05/10/03 | 10/26/03 | 11 | |
YBLUES | Yer Blues | 02/07/96 | 02/07/96 | 1 | |
YCGYRW | You Can Get It If You Really Want | 09/12/15 | 09/12/15 | 1 | |
YGIAW | You Got It All Wrong | 04/22/02 | 04/22/02 | 1 | |
YGMWIG | You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone | 10/31/10 | 10/31/10 | 1 | |
YGTHYL | You've Got To Hide Your Love Away | 03/07/14 | 07/21/22 | 5 | |
YLDNOT | Yield Not To Temptation | 12/31/17 | 12/31/17 | 1 | |
YNGLST | Young Lust | 10/31/15 | 10/31/15 | 1 | |
YSBG | You Should Be Glad | 04/01/05 | 02/09/23 | 171 | |
YWMNOW | You're With Me Now | 04/22/02 | 04/22/02 | 1 | |
ZEBRA | Zebra Song | 04/23/88 | 04/23/88 | 1 | |
ZIGZAG | Zigzaggin' Through Ghostland | 10/31/21 | 02/18/22 | 2 | |