01/23/20 Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Riviera Maya, MX |
0: Pilgrims, Blackout Blues
[Soundcheck; Panic en la Playa Nueve] |
Song Stats | Song | LTP Date | LTP | L3TP | #/10 | #/100 | #/Ever |
12/31/19 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
22 |
521 |
12/31/19 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
20 |
541 |
| LTP (Last Time Played): L3TP (Last 3 Times Played): #/10: #/100: #/Ever:
| Number of shows since song was last played. Average of last 3 LTP for song. Number of times played in last 10 shows. Number of times played in last 100 shows. Total number of times played.